Support for the General Election for different parties stands as follows:
Labour 43%
Tories 24%
Greens 14%
Lib Dems 6%
Given that some of the students I met at Chester, were Labour members but would be voting Green in the Euro Elections, my view is that this would be at the bottom of the range for our support for the Euro Elections from students.
There are some really interesting quotes from the Youthsight article:
"At their peak (April 2010) the Liberal Democrats were polling 50% of the student vote, while the most recent figures show their student support at 6%."
"The Green Party student support has more than doubled since the last election (6%-14%), first pushing the Liberal Democrats to fourth place in April 2013."
So some good news on polling for us here in the North West, but also in other regions. We have Cumbria, Lancaster, UCLAN, Edge Hill, Liverpool Hope, Liverpool JMU, Liverpool, Chester, Manchester Met, Manchester, Salford and Bolton with large number of HE students. Many come into the North West to study and the unusually early date of the Euro Elections should provide us with a welcome electoral boost.
To support our campaign sign up on Facebook to Green Not Griffin as we look to replace Nick Griffin with a Green MEP for the North West. We need just 8 to 9% of the vote to win a North West seat, so a big student turnout is really crucial.
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